Adoption, BI & Blondies

Starting a Power BI Clinic: Power BI lessons of Adoptions #6

One of the most successful initiatives I had in my different projects is the opening of a “Power BI Clinic”.

This is a straightforward concept with a real added value. To organize it, you need the following things:

  • A comfortable meeting room with possibly a projector
  • Or a team meeting.
  • One of your trainers or yourself as coach
  • A recurring time slot, for example, every Tuesday between 2 and 4 p.m.

And that’s it.

 Your clinic is ready, you just need to communicate about it. People can freely come without appointments, tickets, etc. They know that there is someone to help with their actual projects, issues, technical challenges etc.

It is not meant to replace nor support nor training, but it is a friendly, safe place to help people achieve their objectives with a little boost. It is the perfect follow-up after the training, to keep the communication channel open between your newly inducted Power BI creators and your team. You will see their real-life questions and battle. You will be able to fight the discouragement, to give them the extra step they need to take the right direction in their reporting solutions. It also the perfect place to see the opportunities for a larger project, or to diagnose some issues. Self-service BI doesn’t mean lonely users. The best way to avoid a shadow IT is to be included somehow in their actions. The clinic will give you that: it is a wonderful win-win solution. The trust will grow between your audience and the product.

You should now be ready to open your Clinic… lets the practice begins.

I forgot to mention that the white coat is not mandatory 🙂

It is not meant to replace nor support nor training, but it is a friendly, safe place to help people achieve their objectives with a little boost.

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